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In the News

PS128 recognized with Taipei Biotech Award's International Leap Silver Award

Combined oxytocin and psychobiotic therapy improves autism symptoms in novel clinical study
TAIPEI, June 15, 2021 /PRNewswire/ A combination of oxytocin and a probiotic could synergistically improve symptoms of autism. These were...

Psychobiotic PS128 improves mood and sleep quality in its first clinical study on anxiety and stress
Bened Biomedical’s psychobiotic PS128 significantly improved insomnia, stress, and anxiety during a recent clinical trial. Participants...

Taiwan reveals new findings to treat Parkinson's disease
19 February 2021 | News In this pioneer study, PS128 was used as adjunct treatment for a group of twenty-five PD patients for three...

Psychobiotic PS128 consumption shows benefits to Parkinson's symptoms in new clinical study
TAIPEI, Feb. 18, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- Bened Biomedical, a leading Taiwanese probiotic company, has announced a successful clinical study...

Psychobiotic PS128 consumption shows benefits to Parkinson's symptoms in new clinical study
18 Feburary 2021 | PRNewsWire Bened Biomedical, a leading Taiwanese probiotic company, has announced a successful clinical study for its...

Bened Biomedical sponsors the Ministry of Health and Welfare with PS128 Happy Probiotics
益福生醫延續「榮神益人」的社訓精神,在台北市政府產發補助的公益回饋項目下,贊助衛福部臺北醫院醫療人員 1000 盒「益啟樂 PS128 快樂益生菌膠囊」,盡微薄之力為辛苦抗疫一整年守護國人健康的前線英雄加油打氣,幫助舒緩壓力及睡眠品質。 捐贈儀式上由集團執行長鄭勝德親自交付...

Patented psychobiotic Lactobacillus plantarum PS128™ is now Self-affirmed GRAS
Bened Biomedical Co. Ltd., a global leader of functional probiotics esp. psycho-biotics and REJMIUS, INC. proudly announce the newest Self-a

Bened CEO Frankie Cheng Wins AABI Torch Best Entrepreneur Award
Bened CEO Frankie Cheng Wins AABI Torch Best Entrepreneur Award

Bened Biomedical Grants Exclusive Rights for PS128™ to M8 Pharmaceuticals
Its portfolio companies address the most compelling trends in global health. The firm is currently investing out of its sixth fund.

Taiwanese Enterprise 'Bened Biomedical' Achieves Gold Again at AABI 2020
打破益生菌僅能促進腸道健康的刻板印象,獨步全球、由本土團隊自主研發的精神益生菌PS128經證實能緩解情緒憂鬱,首年研究結果即躍登國際知名期刊《Nutrients》,日前更獲美國GRAS(Generally Recognized as...

Top Ten Global Key Enterprises for Psychobiotics Unveiled, Taiwan's Bened Biomedical Included
全球權威市場調查機構Future Market Insights (FMI) 2020年6月份發布最新研究報告「精神益生菌營養補充品市場: 2015-2019全球產業分析及未來十年機會評估」,其中,在當前全球十大精神益生菌關鍵企業(Psychobiotic...

Blackmores inks deal with psychobiotic supplier Bened
Bened has sealed a deal with the Blackmores Group to supply its proprietary probiotic strain PS128.

EU firm BeoPanax selected as exclusive psychobiotic product distributor
EU firm Beopanax selected as exclusive psychobiotic product distributor

Psychobiotic PS128 honored with the 'Outstanding Biotechnology Industry Award'
Bened increases reach in Asia and Europe with new study
Psyched for psychobiotics: Bened increases reach in Asia and Europe with new study and proprietary strain
Pharmaceuical firm partners psychobiotic startup for first foray into microbiome modulation
Neuraxpharm Group, a pharmaceutical firm focused on the central nervous system (CNS), has announced its first foray in the probiotics catego

Bened Biomedical Co., Ltd.: Psychobiotic PS128 found to be a potential solution for ASD & ADHD
22 May 2019 | Bened Biomedical Co., Ltd. The possible correlation between autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and gut microbiota has long been...

Bened powering through with expansion plans for proprietary ingredient
Feb. 12, 2019

Bened powering through with expansion plans for proprietary ingredient
Bened Biomedical is moving ahead with its expansion plans, most recently signing a multi-year agreement for its proprietary psychobiotic PS1
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