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益福生醫獲邀參與 2023 Bio Asia 臺北生技館特別展區

「2023 亞洲⽣技⼤會」,臺北市政府以「⽣技臺北20周年」打造臺北⽣技館,邀集包括益福⽣醫等10 家臺北⽣技獎歷屆得獎傑出企業,展⽰⽣技企業創新醫材、數位醫療、⽣醫製藥、應⽤生技等多元創新產品。益福生醫過去曾以「精神益生菌PS128」獲得有台灣生技界奧斯卡之稱的「台北生技獎」創新技術獎及國際躍進獎。

7/28(五) 下午,臺北市蔣萬安市長特地至台北生技館了解參展廠商創新技術,益福生醫由共同創辦人蔡恩加代表向市長解說精神益生菌臨床研發成果及國際拓展實績。



​益福生醫股份有限公司 | 精神益生菌

This website is intended only for business or research professionals. The information is not for the final consumer. Our products are not for diagnosing, preventing, treating, nor curing disease. The information on this site is based on our research and development and is reliable to the best of our knowledge. It should not replace any form of professional medical advice. Regulations may vary in each market, and producers and marketers should confer with local resources or authorities to verify local regulatory requirements.

©2023 Bened Biomedical  ​益福生醫股份有限公司

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