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Bened Biomedical joined Bio Taipei Pavilion as a special guest for Bio Asia 2023

31 July 2023 | By En-Chia Tsai

With the theme “Embracing Asian Dynamics” of Bio Asia 2023, the Taipei city government invited Bened Biomedical and other previous award-winning companies as special guests for Bio Taipei Pavilion, portraying cutting-edge products in various fields - innovative medical devices, digital health, biomedical and pharmaceutical technology, and applied biotechnology, etc.

Bened Biomedical’s signature neurobiotic strain PS128 won the “Innovation Special Mention Award” and “Go-Global Award” from Taipei Biotech Awards, also known as the Oscar Academy Awards in the Biotechnology field in Taiwan.

On July 28th (Friday) afternoon, Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an (蔣萬安) visited the Pavilion to better catch up on the avant-garde technology among exhibitors. As a co-founder of Bened Biomedical, Tsai En-chia (蔡恩加) represented the company to explain the global success and clinical studies of neurobiotic PS128™.

Image source: Taipei High-Tech Promotion Center


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